The Friendly Network: Website Strategy & Design
Case Study: Website strategy and design for a brand new ethical social media app.
Friendly is an up-and-coming social media app aimed at a Melbourne audience aged 18 to 28. The app is an ethical social platform which encourages users to connect with other like-minded people and meet up in real life. The app has social components as well as maps and tools to aid in setting up Friendly meet-ups.
Our brief was first to conduct a website and content strategy. From here, lean on the brand strategy and brand identity that MJS previously created and design the website.
We first started with an in-person workshop with the Friendly team, brainstorming all the things we’d like the website to be able to do.
From here, we dove a little deeper into our audiences and found that there are multiple types of users for this site. Our three categories were event seekers (and people looking to make friends), venues and businesses. We created personas for each of these user groups to help us understand what they’re looking for from the website.
All of this information fed into our content strategy, this is where information was sectioned into pages that would be most suited to each audience’s user flow.
Cross-checking this on our user flow map ensured that audiences would be easily able to navigate the website to find the information they need and be encouraged to utilise CTAs to download the app, enquire about business partnerships etc.
The homepage was designed to provide an overview of what Friendly is, their mission and values. In our strategic work, we uncovered that as this is a new app, it’s important to educate audiences on what the stand for. This is the homepage for launch and once there is more awareness in the market, it could be updated to reflect campaign messaging in future.
To provide further information, we included a page detailing how the app itself works with interface shots to help users gain an understanding of the functionality and how it differs from competitors.
This page provides information to local businesses and vendors who would like to know how the Friendly app can benefit their community. Information provided also speaks to government departments and other funding/ grant specialists who are interested in the wellbeing of the community.
This page specifically targets business owners who would like to promote their venues and events through the app. The information on the page speaks to the advertising benefits and projected growth of The Friendly Network and the promotion tools available in the app. There’s also a contact forum which would allow business owners to reach out to the Friendly team should they have any questions.
As the app is new, we have included a simple contact page for all audiences to reach out with questions. We felt it crucial to allow people to feel comfortable in speaking to us about any safety concerns, app issues upon launch or business concerns. Once the app is further developed and there are many more users, we would lean on the app itself to lodge complaints and questions in a formal, systematic way.